How to Pronounce Abbreviations
How to Pronounce Abbreviations
Today, I learned the pronunciation rules for abbreviations.
Today, I learned the pronunciation rules for abbreviations.
Firstly, if the abbreviation is composed of 2 characters, it should be pronounced in its unabbreviated form.
Firstly, if the abbreviation is composed of 2 characters, it should be pronounced in its unabbreviated form.
例えば、”i.e.” は “that is” と言い、”e.g.” は “for example” と言います。
For example, “i. e.” is read as “that is,” and “e.g.” is read as “for example.”
For example, “i. e.” is read as “that is,” and “e.g.” is read as “for example.”
Secondly, if the abbreviation is composed of 3 characters, each character should be pronounced.
Secondly, if the abbreviation is composed of 3 characters, each character should be pronounced.
例えば、”W.H.O.” や “T.P.P”、”O.D.A”、”F.B.I” などです。
For example, “W.H.O.,” “T.P.P.,” “O.D.A.,” and “F.B.I.”
For example, “W.H.O.,” “T.P.P.,” “O.D.A.,” and “F.B.I.”
Thirdly, if the abbreviation is composed of 4 or more characters, it should be pronounced literally.
Thirdly, if the abbreviation is composed of 4 or more characters, it should be pronounced literally.
例えば、”NATO(ナトー)” や “AIDS(エイズ)”、”NASA(ナサ)”、”UNESCO(ユネスコ)” などです。
For example, “NATO,” “AIDS,” “NASA,” and “UNESCO.”
For example, “NATO,” “AIDS,” “NASA,” and “UNESCO.”
However, there are many exceptions.
However, there are many exceptions.
例えば、”UCLA” は「ユーシーエルエー」と言いますし、”MIT” は「ミット」と言われることがあります。
For example, “UCLA” is pronounced “yuu-see-el-ei,” and “MIT” is sometimes pronounced “mit.”
For example, “UCLA” is pronounced “yuu-see-el-ei,” and “MIT” is sometimes pronounced “mit.”
I think the pronunciation of something depends on how easy it is too read it, understand it, and how cool it is.
I think the pronunciation of something depends on how easy it is too read it, understand it, and how cool it is.